If you suscribed on izneo’s website with a credit card:

  • Log in to your subscriber account.

  • Click on the "Settings" wheel at the top right

  • Click on “My Account”

  • Click on Edit My Subscription

  • Click on “Cancel”

If you suscribed with your Paypal account:

  • You must have to log in directly to your Paypal account and to stop recurring payment.

If you suscribed with your Paypal account:

  • You must have to log in directly to your Paypal account and to stop recurring payment.

If you suscribed from the IZNEO iOS app:

  • You must have to log in directly to your Apple account and to stop recurring payment.

If you suscribed from the IZNEO Android app:

  • You must have to log in directly to your Apple account and to stop recurring payment.