Via the Android app:
Press the “Open apps” button in the virtual tool bar at the bottom of the screen and then press “Return” and “Home”.
When you press the “Open apps” button, you should see a list of apps which are currently in use.
Drag the izneo icon to the top or side of the screen
To start the app, simply press the “izneo” icon on your device’s home screen.
Via the iOS app:
Exit the izneo app by tapping twice on your device’s “Home” button then drag the izneo screen towards the top of the screen.
To restart the app, simply press the “izneo” icon on your device’s home screen.
Via Nintendo Switch:
Go to the main menu of your Nintendo Switch console
Go to the izneo app icon.
Press the “X” button to exit the app.
Start the app using the “A” button.